Rivastigmine Pharmacology

Rivastigmine is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used in the management of certain dementias. I discuss rivastigmine pharmacology on this episode.

Weight loss is a potential adverse effect of rivastigmine. It is important to monitor weights.

Anticholinergic medications such as diphenhydramine can blunt the effects of rivastigmine.

Rarely, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors like rivastigmine can cause bradycardia.

I discuss important drug interactions on the podcast, be sure to check out my latest project which is a 200+ page book on managing drug interactions in primary care.

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Donepezil Pharmacology

On this episode I discuss the pharmacology of donepezil.

Donepezil is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. In dementia, that is a deficiency in acetylcholine and donepezil helps preserve this neurotransmitter.

Donepezil can cause weight loss, GI upset, and diarrhea. This is an important monitoring parameter in our dementia patients.

There is the possibility for donepezil to cause bradycardia and insomnia. Keep an eye out for these adverse effects as they can and do happen in real practice.

Anticholinergics are notorious for blunting the effects of donepezil. We must look out for drug interactions from older anticholinergics like diphenhydramine, amitriptyline, and hydroxyzine.

Be sure to check out our free Top 200 study guide – a 31 page PDF that is yours for FREE!