Timolol Pharmacology Podcast

On this episode, I discuss timolol pharmacology, adverse effects, drug interactions, and much more.

Timolol is a non-selective beta-blocker so it blocks both beta-1 and beta-2 receptors.

Since timolol blocks beta-2 receptors, it can blunt the effect of respiratory medications that have beta-agonist action.

Beta-blockers are notorious for causing bradycardia and pulse is an important monitoring parameter for timolol.

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Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Top 10 Anticoagulant Drug Interactions

Today’s sponsor of the Top 10 Anticoagulant Drug Interactions podcast is FreedAI. Freed listens, transcribes, and writes medical documentation for you.

FreedAI is offering a discount exclusive to RLP listeners! Users will get $50 off their first month with Freed! Use the discount code: RLPPOD

Apixaban is one of the most commonly used anticoagulants and there are some drug interactions you need to be aware of. Take a listen and find out!

Warfarin concentrations can substantially be elevated by drugs that inhibit CYP2C9. I cover a few of them in my top 10 anticoagulant drug interactions.

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Beers Criteria Podcast Part 1 or 2

In this podcast episode, I break down some of the most common medications that show up on the Beers criteria list.

I discuss cardiovascular medications in this podcast episode, including rivaroxaban and warfarin, and why they show up on the Beers list.

Alpha-blockers who up on the Beers list as these medications are inappropriate to use for the management of hypertension.

The Beers criteria addresses the use of aspirin in primary prevention. I break down what the criteria state and why it should be avoided in general.

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Navigating QTc Prolongation and Drug Interactions

On this episode, I discuss the pharmacology surrounding QTc prolongation and drug interactions.

I discuss which medications are more likely to cause QTc prolongation and which patient populations we should be more concerned about.

Antiarrhythmics are a common class of medication that can exacerbate QTc prolongation when used with other interacting medications.

500 ms is a common value utilized to help identify patients at risk for QTc prolongation and ultimately torsades de pointes.

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Antihypertensive Drug Interactions Podcast – Episode 316

On this podcast episode, I discuss some of the most common antihypertensive drug interactions you need to know.

One major interaction I discuss is the trifecta of a diuretic, an ACE or ARB, and an NSAID. This combination significantly increases the risk for acute renal failure.

Nitrates aren’t classically referred to as an antihypertensive but they can definitely cause some problems when combined with PDE5 Inhibitors.

Lithium can interact with 3 blood pressure medication classes. ACEIs, ARBs, and diuretics can all increase the risk for lithium toxicity.

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Captopril Pharmacology Podcast – Episode 314

On this podcast episode, I discuss captopril pharmacology, kinetics, interactions, and much more!

Captopril is an ACE Inhibitor. It can cause hyperkalemia, cough, and renal impairment.

One of the notable issues with captopril is its relatively short half-life which requires it to be dose frequently throughout the day.

Lithium is an important drug interaction and the use of captopril with this medication may increase concentrations and the chance for toxicity.

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Fenofibrate Pharmacology Podcast Episode 310

On this podcast episode, I discuss fenofibrate pharmacology, adverse effects, kinetics, drug interactions, and much more!

Fenofibrate is typically only used for hypertriglyceridemia. The primary risk of hypertriglyceridemia is pancreatitis so we treat these levels because of this risk.

LFTs elevation has been associated with fenofibrate use as well as myopathy. In the presence of myopathy, checking CPK may be considered.

Fenofibrate is a weak CYP2C9 inhibitor. Warfarin and phenytoin are two important medications that may be affected by the use of fenofibrate.

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Fluvastatin Pharmacolgy Podcast

On this podcast episode, I discuss fluvastatin pharmacology, adverse effects, pharmacokinetics, and much more.

Fluvastatin is only a low to moderate-intensity statin which explains its limited use compared to rosuvastatin or atorvastatin.

I discuss drug interactions in the podcast but one important one to recognize is drugs that can inhibit CYP2C9.

Fluvastatin is considered a lipophilic statin. I have previously discussed this on the Meded101 blog which you can find here.

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Aliskiren Pharmacology Podcast

On this episode, I discuss aliskiren pharmacology, adverse effects, drug interactions, and much more.

Aliskiren should not be used with ACE Inhibitors or ARBs. I discuss why that is in this episode.

Aliskiren has a long enough half-life at approximately 24 hours so it is recommended to only take this once daily.

Hyperkalemia is a major concern with aliskiren. It is important to monitor potassium levels and renal function.

Be sure to check out our free Top 200 study guide – a 31 page PDF that is yours for FREE!

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Spironolactone Pharmacology Podcast

On this episode, I discuss spironolactone pharmacology, adverse effects, drug interactions and much more.

Spironolactone has numerous indications including hypertension, CHF, ascites, and acne. I break them all down in this podcast episode.

Hyperkalemia is a major concern with spironolactone. Patients with baseline levels at 5 or above should generally avoid this medication.

Gynecomastia is one of the most commonly tested adverse effects of spironolactone. Be sure you don’t miss this one on your board and pharmacology exams!

Be sure to check out our free Top 200 study guide – a 31 page PDF that is yours for FREE!

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Meded101 Guide to Nursing Pharmacology (Amazon Highly Rated)

Guide to Drug Food Interactions (Amazon Best Seller)

Drug Interactions In Primary Care (Amazing Resource for Practicing Clinicians)

Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)