Top 200 Drugs Podcast – Drugs 21-25

Lamotrigine is an antiseizure medication and also may be used for bipolar disorder. A rash is a major side effect to remember with this medication.

Valganciclovir is an antiviral medication that can be used to prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) in patients with a suppressed immune system.

Fluconazole is an azole antifungal that can be used to treat candidiasis, blastomycosis, and tinea infections. Drug interactions, QTc prolongation, and hepatotoxicity are potential risks.

Atenolol is a beta-blocker used to treat atrial fibrillation and hypertension. It is relatively selective for beta-1 receptors meaning that it doesn’t affect the lungs as much as non-selective agents.

Montelukast is a medication that blocks the actions of leukotrienes. This can be beneficial for the management of allergies and asthma.

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Meperidine Pharmacology Podcast

On this podcast episode, I discuss meperidine pharmacology, adverse effects, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, and much more!

Meperidine is an opioid that is seldom used due to neurotoxicity. I describe how this can happen in this podcast episode.

Meperidine has numerous drug interactions and using a CYP3A4 inhibitor may increase the risk for toxicity.

Seizures are a risk with meperidine due to its neurotoxic metabolite normeperidine. I discuss this further in this podcast episode.

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Perils of Polypharmacy (Great Resource for Those Who Work in Geriatrics)

Phenobarbital Pharmacology Podcast

On this episode of the Real Life Pharmacology Podcast, I cover phenobarbital pharmacology, adverse effects, important drug interactions and much more.

Phenobarbital is an enzyme inducer. It is an inducer at CYP3A4 so this can lead to numerous drug interactions.

Phenobarbital can exacerbate the risk for opioid overdose and increase the risk for respiratory depression and death.

Phenobarbital can deplete numerous vitamins such as vitamin D, folic acid, and vitamin B12. Monitoring of these is important.

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Phentermine Pharmacology Podcast

blue tape measuring on clear glass square weighing scale

In this podcast episode, I break down the pharmacology, adverse effects, pharmacokinetics, and drug interactions of phentermine.

Phentermine has some CNS stimulant activity so adverse effects like insomnia, hypertension, and tachycardia are possible.

Pay attention to drugs that can oppose the effects of phentermine and cause weight gain such as mirtazapine and sulfonylureas.

Phentermine is a controlled substance so the risk of addiction and dependence is possible.

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Primidone Pharmacology

On this episode, I discuss primidone pharmacology, adverse effects, and drug interactions.

Primidone, or Mysoline, is an anticonvulsant most commonly used for essential tremors. The primary pharmacological mechanism of action of primidone is similar to other anticonvulsants, like phenobarbital. It causes a reduction in the activity of neurons. Both primidone and its metabolites are potent anticonvulsants. Primidone alters the transmembrane Na/Cl transport channel to reduce the frequency of nerve firing. Phenobarbital, one of primidone’s active metabolites, interacts with GABA-A receptors and chloride channels to reduce nerve excitability.   

Typically B-blockers are used first for essential tremors, then primidone is the next option if B-blockers are ineffective. The dose of primidone can change depending on the use. At lower doses, around 250-700 mg/day (often lower doses than 250 mg will be used), it can indicate that it is being used for essential tremor. When it’s administered at higher doses, up to around 750-1500 mg/day, it can indicate that it is being used for seizures. When used for seizures, it’s important to taper more slowly to not cause seizures with lower minimum effective concentrations. When first dispensing phenytoin, it’s also important to look through a patient’s medication to check that it’s truly essential tremors, and not drug-induced. 

Primidone has common adverse drug reactions of CNS depression, sedation, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, GI issues, ataxia; the adverse drug reactions are similar to alcohol toxicity. Special consideration should be taken in patients with a history of depression; primidone can cause or exacerbate suicidal ideation. It’s important to monitor the blood concentrations of phenobarbital when primidone is taken at higher doses, at lower doses, it’s not as important. Vitamin deficiencies should also be monitored. Primidone can cause a vitamin D deficiency, along with vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies. 

Drug-drug interactions of primidone are those that can cause additive effects of CNS depression. For example, other anti-seizure medications, opioids, and first-generation antihistamines. Primidone also has enzymatic interactions. It is metabolized into its active metabolites by CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP2E1. It should be monitored more closely when taken with drugs that can induce, or inhibit, the activity of those enzymes. Primidone, and phenobarbital, also induces CYP3A4 as well as CYP1A2. Certain drugs like apixaban, rivaroxaban, aripiprazole, prednisone, quetiapine, amlodipine, alprazolam, and olanzapine should be monitored more closely. 

The signs of primidone overdose are extensions of its adverse drug reactions. Common signs of an overdose are CNS depression, respiratory depression, lowered reflexes, and hypotension. In cases of severe primidone overdose, removal of the unabsorbed drug with hemoperfusion has been shown to be effective and show improvement in a patient’s clinical condition. In non-severe cases, symptomatic and supportive treatment may be necessary.

Show notes provided by Chong Yol G Kim, PharmD Student.

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Paragraph 1: taken from episode, information on MOA taken from drugbank (

Paragraph 2: taken from episode

Paragraph 3: taken from episode

Paragraph 4: taken from episode, information on metabolism taken from drugbank (

Paragraph 5: taken from drugbank (

Levetiracetam Pharmacology

On this episode of the RLP podcast, I discuss levetiracetam pharmacology.

Levetiracetam is indicated for numerous types of seizures and possibly works by enhancing GABA activity.

Sedation and dizziness are two common adverse effects of levetiracetam.

On this episode, I discuss when and if we might do levetiracetam levels.

Levetiracetam tends to have much fewer drug interactions compared to older agents like phenytoin and carbamazepine.

I discuss important drug interactions on the podcast, be sure to check out my latest project which is a 200+ page book on managing drug interactions in primary care.

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Lamotrigine Pharmacology

On this episode of the Real Life Pharmacology podcast, I discuss the ins and outs of lamotrigine pharmacology.

Lamotrigine has a very slow dose titration schedule due to the risk of drug induced rash.

Sedation, GI upset, and CNS changes are the most common adverse effects associated with lamotrigine.

Lamotrigine concentrations can be increased by valproic acid, so we tend to use lower starting doses.

Phenytoin and carbamazepine can lower concentrations of lamotrigine.

I discuss important drug interactions on the podcast, be sure to check out my latest project which is a 200+ page book on managing drug interactions in primary care.

Be sure to check out our free Top 200 study guide – a 31 page PDF that is yours for FREE!

Diazepam Pharmacology

Diazepam has numerous dosage forms. There are rectal, injectable, and oral formulations of the drug that are commonly used in clinical practice.

Diazepam has 2 major metabolic pathways. It is broken down primarily by CYP3A4 and CYP2C19, leaving open the potential for numerous drug interactions. I discuss this further in the podcast.

Diazepam is on the Beers list because it has a tendency to accumulate in the geriatric patient population and cause adverse effects like sedation, confusion, and falls.

Respiratory depression, coma, and death are significantly more likely in overdose situations where opioids are used in combination with benzodiazepines like diazepam.

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Benzodiazepine Pharmacology

Benzodiazepines act by enhancing the effect of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

Benzodiazepines can cause confusion, sedation, and respiratory depression.

There are many potential indications for benzodiazepines. They can be used in anxiety, status epilepticus, insomnia, and alcohol withdrawal amongst other things.

There is a boxed warning for the use of opioids with benzodiazepines. The primary risk of the combination is respiratory depression.

Carbamazepine Pharmacology

Carbamazapine Pharmacology

On this episode, I discuss carbamazepine pharmacology. This drug is most commonly used for seizures, bipolar disorder, or trigeminal neuralgia.

Carbamazepine is an autoinducer and can reduce the concentrations of numerous drugs. Some examples include apixaban, warfarin, rivaroxaban, diltiazem, verapamil, and many more!

Carbamazepine has the potential to cause Steven Johnson’s Syndrome. This has a much greater chance of happening in patients with certain genetics.

Carbamazepine can contribute to SIADH and cause significant hyponatremia.

Carbamazepine has boxed warning for numerous potential events like aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, and the above-mentioned SJS.

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